Striving to improve the quality of life for the elderly and disabled.

Mission: To provide low cost or no cost travel and transportation to disabled persons in the CSRA and to other non-profit organizations, groups and businesses of up to 20 passengers.

Vision: To help improve the quality of life of disabled persons by providing transportation to college classes, recreational events, leisure time out of the home, and of course medical appointments without concern of expensive medical taxis and to facilitate maximum participation for youth camps, mission trips, or group events by keeping travel expenses to an absolute minimum while providing an enjoyable travel experience and top notch service.


What We Do

Wheelchair Transport

Our first priority! Those who use a wheelchair have first priority and are permitted to schedule transport as far in advance as they wish. Our fees are simple. We require only a reimbursement of our expenses (fuel, oil, etc.) which generally run $50.00 per ROUND TRIP in the greater Augusta area. Additional donations are strongly encouraged as that is how we pay our bills and improve our service.

Walking Disabled Transport

If you are disabled but can walk and ride in a standard vehicle you are our second priority. We allow only one week advance scheduling with no minimum. Our fees are simple. We require only a reimbursement of our expenses (fuel, oil, etc.) which generally run $50.00 per ROUND TRIP in the greater Augusta area. Call or text 706.755.5188 to check on availability.

Elderly Assistance

You are over 65 years old, have no significant disability and need transportation. You may coordinate transportation only one week in advance. Availability is limited. The same fees as priority 01 and 02 apply. Call or text 706.755.5188 to check on availability or email to

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Our Team

Our LeaderShip

a8p 11110
Randal Gossert

CEO & Founder

a8p 11109
Margaret Gossert

Co Founder



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